Type Status Location Last Updated
This Warning message is being issued for landslides in the Oak Park area.
The incident is approximately 15 metres wide and 5 metres deep and has been isolated and cordoned off by VICSES.
Nearby residents have been notified.
Stay informed - monitor emergency warnings and local conditions, and remain alert.
What you should do: 
  • Stay away from the landslide - the slope may experience additional failures for hours to days afterwards.
  • Travel using recommended routes.
  • Plan your trip in advance - travel may take longer due to closed roads and poor driving conditions.
  • Listen to emergency broadcasters: ABC Local Radio, commercial radio and designated community radio stations, or SKY NEWS Television.
Impacts in your area: 
  • Roads may be closed due to dangerous driving conditions.
  • Damaged or blocked roads caused by fallen earth, rocks, debris or trees. 
  • Communities or residents may become isolated.
This message was issued by Country Fire Authority.

The next update is expected by 11/09/2024 05:50 pm or as the situation changes.

Emergency contacts:
  • For life threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
  • For non-life threatening emergencies call SES on 132 500.
Stay informed:
  • Via www.emergency.vic.gov.au.
  • Tune in to ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated community radio stations, or Sky News TV.
  • Call the VicEmergency Hotline to talk to someone about this warning on freecall 1800 226 226.
  • People who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have a speech/communication impairment can contact VicEmergency Hotline via the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677.
  • For help with English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to telephone VicEmergency Hotline. If you know someone who cannot speak English, provide them with this number.
  • Download the VicEmergency app or follow VicEmergency on Twitter or Facebook.