Type Status Location Last Updated
This Emergency Warning to Evacuate Immediately is being issued for Mount Richmond.  

  • It is strongly recommended that you evacuate immediately. 
  • There is a grassfire at TestGrassFireEvacImmeRuralLoc that is under control
  • The grassfire is travelling from Melbourne in a south-westerly direction towards Adelaide
  •  The fire is expected to impact Adelaide at 12.00 AM
If you are located in Strathdownie, it is strongly recommended you evacuate immediately and move to a safer location away from the fire.
What you should do: 
This Emergency Warning is current until 26-09-2024, 12.00 PM. Evacuation after this time is considered life threatening. 

After 26-09-2024,12.00 it may be too late to leave. Take shelter when the fire arrives to protect yourself from the radiant heat. 

Evacuate immediately: 
  • When you leave remember to take your pets, medications, mobile phone and charger. 
  • If you are away from home, do not return. 
  • If you choose to stay, emergency services may not be able to help you. 

Travel to a safer location. Options include: 
  • A relief centre is open at Adelaide
  • The home of family or friends away from the warning area. 

If you evacuate to a family member or friend’s house, you should register with [online (if activated) / at an evacuation centre] to help others find you. 

If you are located in testestate, you should leave using testroad and travel to testloc

In the car: 
  • If you are travelling, do not enter the area. Make a u-turn and travel to safety. 
  • Slow down and turn on your headlights. Smoke will make it difficult to see. 

If you are unable to leave shelter indoors: 
  • Close all exterior doors, windows and vents. 
  • Turn off cooling systems. 
  • Shelter in a room that has two exits, such as a door or a window, including one directly to the outside.  It is critical to keep an eye on what is happening with the fire.
Impacts in your area: 
  • The following roads are closed: testroad.
This message was issued by Country Fire Authority

The next update is expected by 25/09/2024 12:40 pm or as the situation changes. 

Use multiple sources to stay informed: 

The following services can help you, or someone you know, access information during an emergency. 
  • To access this information in other languages, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to call VicEmergency Hotline.   
  • If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication impairment contact National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 and ask them to call the VicEmergency Hotline.